Helping you complete your multidisciplinary projects…

Over the past decades, I have established a proven multi-disciplinary background geared towards bioengineering and, in particular, the development of biomedical devices. My past and current areas of expertise include optical detection, microfluidics, biosensor fabrication, electrochemistry, automation, scanning probe microscopy, and surface chemistry. My research is translational in nature with the objective of ultimately embedding it into an instrument platform.

Here, I bring you a new type of consulting services. Not only can I provide the traditional services like advising, literature or prior art searches, designing, data analysis, and technical writing, but I also propose the option of rapidly prototyping these ideas for a quick proof-of-concept before you go any further in your development…

I have indeed access to several 3D printers, a small laser cutter, an Arduino microcontroller, a Raspberry Pi mini-computer, a digital oscilloscope, and other tools that I can use for our future collaborative projects.

Browse our website or download my curriculum vitae to learn more…

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Working in the lab, a few years ago…